Who is Sinad OConnors son Yeshua Bonadio? Bio, age, birthday, father, school

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O’Connor was born on December 8, 1966, in Glenageary, County Dublin. She was given the names Bernadette in honor of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, Marie in honor of the mother of the doctor who oversaw the delivery, and Sinéad in honor of Sinéad de Valera, the wife of Irish President Éamon de Valera. She is one of five children, with siblings including author Joseph, Eimear, John, and Eoin.

Who is Sinéad O’Connor’s son Yeshua Bonadio? Bio, age, birthday, father, school

Sinead is the mother of four children, Jake, Roisin, Shane, and Yeshua, and she frequently shares glimpses into their family life on social media and during public appearances. Sinead’s children have made only a few public appearances in recent years. There is little known about Sinéad O’Connor’s son, Yeshua Bonadio.

In a 2000 interview with Curve, O’Connor stated, “I’m a dyke… although I haven’t been very open about that and throughout most of my life I’ve gone out with blokes because I haven’t necessarily been terribly comfortable about being a big lesbian mule.” But I’m a dyke.” However, in a subsequent interview with The Independent, she stated, “I believe it was overcompensation on my part to declare myself a lesbian.” It was not a publicity stunt. I was attempting to make someone else feel better.
